My future job

Hello everyone ! I hope you are doing well, today I'm going to talk about my future job or what I'd like to work on. Firts of all I want to say that I have never worked, but I would like to have this experience, now that I am studying I would love to work in an art supply store, because I am passionate about this subject and I would like to help others to find what they need. But if we talk about a dream job is to be able to work in a publishing house after finishing my university career, and in this way create exceptional illustrations that can reach different parts of the world. I would love to travel to different places to get different experiences and visions, besides I have always wanted to travel or live in different places, another dream.

If we talk about the salary I think that if one makes an effort and knows how to manage the money well there is no problem to live well, but external factors also influence, I will have to live the experience to understand. I started studying design with the objective of working in a publishing house, but inside my head the idea of creating illustrations has not disappeared, because of this I would like to have my own store of illustrations, stickers, posters, or postcards. The last thing I mentioned is a goal that I haven't been able to accomplish because I'm really scared of the results, for me drawing is a great comfort, but I would hate for it to become a stressor, but I have to get out of that zone and start experimenting. Now I will show one of my favorite illustrators Tiffany or Apple cheeks, she is from United States and I love her work so much.

That's all for today,

Thank you for reading me ! 


  1. I think you should stick with the idea of having your own store, don't be afraid to live doing what you love, sometimes it can be stressful but at the end of the day you will be happy doing and showing to people what you love.

  2. i hope you can achieve your dream, it sound really cool to be in charge of your own illustrations store

  3. I hope you can meet your goal of having your own store of illustrations, good luck!

  4. ooo every time I go to buy pencils and things to draw, I wonder what it would feel like to work in an art supplies store, I imagine myself swimming pencils and watercolors, and I think I would not control the temptation to take things home hahaha.

  5. With my art supply's obsession I would be incapable to work in an art supplies store


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