Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well this week, in this blog I'm going to talk about some changes that could be made to my career programme. At the moment I'm studying Desing at the university of Chile, my faculty is specifically called faculty of architecture and urbanism, and contains three university careers, these are architecture, geography and design. Design has already changed it's study programme in many aspects, for example, the university degree for graphic designers is now a visual and media designer, while for industrial designers the university degree is a product and service designer. I don't think the subjects will change for a long time, since there is a new curriculum that has changed along with the university mentions, but I don't deny the possibility that there may be changes, even if they are small, in the subjects, perhaps the content of the classes will change and also the teachers who teach the subjects. Due to the pandemic there have been many complex situations and I feel that 2020 was a difficult year to learn and absorb knowledge, so I think that the career possibly for the design generation of 2020 will last a little longer, to fill the knowledge gap and the workload I hope to lower a little and that the university authorities manage to see what happens to their students, putting empathy above all.

 Maybe in the future we could change the location of our career and faculty, but so far the infrastructure has supported three careers and many students, but I think it would be interesting to have a new location, in which to apply what the three careers teach, with a better infrastructure, more space and a larger outdoor space. For the design career is relevant the modernization and use of new technologies, every day there is a change and we must be aware of this and be able to apply it, that's why we must be aware of the progress and also be part of the creation of new technologies, in conclusion, be part of the process and use it. Finally I would like to mention about teaching methods, we are moving towards a better education, both in schools and universities, and the way teachers teach is also evolving, the essential is respect, empathy, willingness and willingness to learn or receive information, this is a basis for everything, but specifically for design is relevant to generate spaces for conversation, practice, generate new experiences and better feedback from teachers.

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading me !


  1. I agree with you that it is relevant that the design career be modernized!!

  2. I like the faculty, but it is true that it is quite small for having 3 careers.

  3. It is true, the faculty needs to modernise and improve its infrastructure a lot.

  4. hello dear constaza, if the university had a new location it wouldn't change much, look on the bright side we have a very beautiful plaza nearby.

  5. It is true what you mentioned about the faculty, I find enough reason to your opinion greetings


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